(01) 6459575


The most common form of arthritis is Osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative wear and tear condition.

In the British Isles, it is frequently associated with arthritis affecting the basal thumbs ie Trapeziometacarpal arthritis, knees as Patellofemoral arthritis and big toes as Hallux Rigidus.

This condition is referred to as Heberden’s Oteoarthritis and is an inflammatory variation.


Trapeziometacarpal arthritis

Patellofemoral Arthritis

Patellofemoral Arthritis

Hallux Rigidus

Hallux Rigidus

A small percentage of patients will develop a condition referred to as Avascular necrosis. This affects the blood flow to the femoral head causing the hip to progressively collapse.

This may not be initially diagnosed unless considered. It can be associated with overuse of steroids, alcohol abuse, organ transplantation, chemotherapy, etc.

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